Grounds Open 6:00 pm Fri August 8
Grounds Close 11:00 pm Fri August 8
Grounds Open 11:00 am Sat August 9
Grounds Close 11:00 pm Sat August 9
Grounds Open 12:00 pm Sun August 10
Grounds Close 6:00 pm Sun August 10
walking map from free parking to the festival
center of festival GROUNDS
Where do I find the Festival?
The Festivalis between State Route 83 and Root Road on Bainbridge Road. TSouth Central Park is near the center of the festival grounds.
Free Parking
FREE Parking is available at the North Ridgeville High School Campus at 34600 Bainbridge Rd. Lake Ridge Academy is providing shuttle services this year! If you prefer to walk, it is only about a 10-12 minute walk from the School to the fairgrounds.
Interstate 90: Lear Road, then South to Center Ridge Road, then West to State Route 83or, Exit at State Route 611, then South to Center Ridge Road, then East to State Route 83. Then follow theSignswhen you reachNorth Ridgeville.
From Interstate 480/Route 10: Exit at State Route 83, then Take 83 North to North Ridgeville and follow the signs when you reach North Ridgeville.
From Elyria/Lorain/West of North Ridgeville: Take Center Ridge Road (Cleveland Street/ State Route 20) East toward North Ridgeville, then follow the Signs when you reach North Ridgeville.
From North Olmsted/Westlake/East of North Ridgeville: Take Center Ridge RoadWest toward North Ridgeville, then follow the Signs when you reach North Ridgeville.
Thank You 2024 North Ridgeville Corn Festival Sponsors